Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fashion through the early 1900s, and on to the 70s!

Isn't this outfit beautiful? It was worn by the ladies from the late, late 1800s and the early 1900s!
i abosuletly LOVE the hat!

I LOVE the fashion from the 20s! I love how low the waistline goes and doesn't it just look so comfortable?

The dresses are very simple but I adore them! <3
The were worn through the 30s....

Love the 40s dresses! the 30s and the 40s style change incredibly much.......
i love the slevves on these dresses....

The 50s!
The 50s have my abosoulte favorite style of clothing...isn't it gorgeous?
Just the right length and everything! :)

the 60s I do love the first dress, but the second is a little to much for me! :P

The 70s style always makes me laugh yet I love it! :)
All the dresses were worn very short, a lttle to short me! =P

I was going to go on to the 80s and 90s, but I know nothing about the style of clothes worn then!

Which decade has your favorte style of clothing????
If you could bring one style back...which would you chosse???


  1. Ooo... I love all of those dresses, but I have to say that the 50's dress is my favorite! :-)


  2. Those dresses are interesting and some are very pretty! I like the 50's best :)

  3. 50's-40's-30's are my favorites- so cute and great post!


  4. Wonderful post, Alex! I like the 30's, 40's, and 50's styles best, but if I had to choose just one, I would want to wear 30's clothes. They were more feminine than either the 20's or the 40's, and had less cumbersome fabrics than the big stand-out skirts of the 50's. All of them are pretty, though!! :-D :-D :-D

    Have a wonderful day! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! ;-)

    Love in Christ,

  5. The early 1900's is absolutely the most beautiful, but I don't think I would want to dress that way everyday!

  6. ps...please post your display board!!

  7. Hi Alexandra!

    My name is Briahna (Bri), I found your blog through Roses & Bluebells, its really lovely! I have a blog and would love some more followers if you would like to check it out. It's called Diamonds and Pearls.


  8. I guess the 1900's and the '50's are my favorite ones!
    They're both beautiful!
    Sue! =D

  9. I really like the 40's and the 50's the best!!


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I hope you have a wonderful day...

God Bless!