Friday, March 15, 2013

New room

This was our room two weeks ago.....

Our room makeover.....

The walls are cream....

We painted the roof green!

and we painted one wall green too!

Sorry for the bad pictures, I took it on webcam. Our room still isn't finished, We're going to get new carpet and new doors and new beds! :) I definitely like it better!


  1. I LOVE your new room!
    And your new header!!
    How did you make it??

  2. Cool! Your blog is looking very beautiful! x

  3. I love the header too!!!
    And the room is looking really good! Can't wait to see the finished product!!
    Please post updates when the carpet arrives!

  4. Looks great Alex!! I like how the camera looks like it is on the floor.

  5. I love the new header! Love that kind of art (the bird)!


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I hope you have a wonderful day...

God Bless!