Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fashion Story Board!

I've been trying to do this post for so it goes......

About a month ago my little sister and I signed up for a 4-H fashon designing competition.
Well we didn't start until about 3 days before they were going to be judged! oops.....

Anyways, the outfit had to be inspired by one of Natures 4 Elements, and I chose water, Jesse chose earth.
After much desgining  I came up with an outfit I really liked, It was 4 dfferent shades of blue, it had different layers that were parted by bumps that looked like waves......

Jessica desgined a really cute dress with flowers and pants to go underneath. After we had our desgins we went to Hobby Lobby to find the material. (for this competition you have to cut off a little bit of the material to display on the board.) Jessica was able to find hers easily, :), but I couldn't find a thing! So the next day we drove for about half an hour to JoAnns fabric store but.......It had closed down!

So we drove another hour and a half to find a different Joanns, once we finally got there we were rushing, for t was already starting to get dark and the desgins had to be turned in the next morning!

Well, we looked for a long time but still nothing seemed to work, but we did find two other materials that we really liked so I decided to change my original desgin around a little. One material was just plain blue the other was a light blue with dark blue sequins circling around! :) So we went to check out, but we were stuck behind to people who were taking forever! :P I think they were trying to make a real dress, and they couldn't decide what material to use. Well, we finally bought it and we came home and it was about 10:00!

I re-desgined the dress to match the material I had gotten, and the pctures above is how t turned out! :)
 I also designed a clutch purse and a varation of the dress! :)
I'll post what my board looked like when it was all finished soon! :)

This was Jesses dress...isn't it cute?!?!? :):):)
It was even cuter when it was colored!


  1. Good on you girls! Love the blue dress. xxx

  2. Your dress is pretty Alex!
    And Jessica's is really cute!
    Can't wait to see your board!!

  3. Oh Alex that's really pretty!
    Jessica's is really cute too! =)
    Sue! =D
    P.S. Good Luck!<3

  4. Gorgeous!!!!!!! Please post your board!
    You are very creative.
    Tell Jessie I can't wait to see her outfit in color!


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I hope you have a wonderful day...

God Bless!