Monday, September 24, 2012


I love knitting and so I decided to do a post all about and the way it was invented...

Once place I read said this....

"The earliest form of knitting, sort of pre-knitting you could say, was found in Egyptian tombs dating back to 400 - 500 BC. A similar technique has been discovered in Peru, dating to 100 BC to 700 AD.
This historic knitting technique, known as nalbinding or crossed-stitch knitting, used only one needle and fingers to work the stitches. "

This was one account I read....

"Supposedly by sailors at sea who needed to make clothing for themselves. So originally it was men doing it!"

That was another account.....
Here's another....

"Knitting has appeared to have originated in Arabia over 3,000 years ago. Some items knitted by nomadic tribesmen of that period exist to this day."
and another....

"knitting was invented around the 13-14th centery"

and another.........

The earliest dated fragments of what appears to be true knitting are in the collection of Yale University, New Haven Connecticut and were discovered at the site of the ancient Syrian city of Dura Europas which was founded about 280 B.C. The fragments are dated to be from before A.D. 256 when the Persians destroyed the city.

Which is true?

Anyways...... However it was invented I love knitting and I love knitted things!!! :)

For a while now I've been knitting a scarf and recently I lost one of my needles...

sooo.... I've been having to knit with a pencil! And it keeps slipping off the pencil!
 But it's not as hard as I thought it was... I lost while I was knitting on the couch.. I got up for minute and when I came back it was gone! I looked under the couches in my room, in the cushions and I've officialy decided that it was either stolen or itran away... :)
So now it's just me and my pencil!


  1. Alex, that's hilarious!
    You are very talented!
    And creative! ;-D

  2. I still think you should take up finger knittig. =)


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