Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I just got awarded by Juliana with the Versatile Blog Award!

I have to post 7 facts about me! :)

1. I am NOT a sports person, except I like skating

2. I sing about the same amount as I talk every day...

3. Coke is the only kind of soda I like

4. I wish I could tap dance

5. I LOVE ebay

6. I really don't like fantasy books

7. I plan on taking violin someday

Now I have to tag 15 other people! I tag

Holly - rosesandbluebells98.blogspot.com
Mary - http://suesuesstories.blogspot.com/
Elizabeth - http://quietstreams96.blogspot.com/
Jennifer - http://walkingtothebarn.blogspot.com/
India - http://heaveninmyheart96.blogspot.com/
Vicki - http://nomoreafraid.blogspot.com/
Christa Moriah - http://uniquelyfashionedforhisglory.blogspot.com/
Beth - http://bethsbloggy.blogspot.com/
Katie - http://katieskornerhere.blogspot.com/

I know it's only 9, but... oh well! :)


  1. Thanks for the award, Alex! Too bad you've already been awarded, or I would definitely award you ... :-) I'm so glad you enjoy my blog - I always enjoy yours, too, especially your posts about classic movies. I always learn something! :-)

    Thank you again for the award!!


  2. It's a good thing you have a really pretty voice! ;-D

  3. Wish I could hear you singing!!


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I hope you have a wonderful day...

God Bless!