Sunday, December 16, 2012


Vicki at tagged me with the Liebster Blog Award...

These are the rules...
1. You must post eleven random facts about yourself.
2. You must also answer the eleven questions the awarder has given you and make up eleven questions for your awardees to answer in turn.
3. Tag eleven fellow bloggers.
4. Notify them that you've awarded them.
5. No tagging back.
6. The eleven blogs you tag must have less than 200 followers.

Random Facts....

  1. I NEVER use and alarm clock....EVER....(If you haven't noticed I feel rather stongly about them! )
  2. I own a collection of musical films with over 35 musicals!
  3. My favorite color combinstion is blue and pink
  4. I do not like to cook or bake very much
  5. My biggest pet peeve is clothes on the floor...unfortunately though I have quite a few pet peeves..  :P
  6. I've had somewhere around 9 or 10 blogs all together...
  7. In almost every movie I see I watch the background characters to see if they're wearing any costumes that I've seen in other movies...It funny how many you can find!
  8. If I had a million dollars I would clean out the entire Anthropologie store...I LOVE that place! :D
  9. I want a boat (big or small) SO much! They're so pretty....
  10. I love the beach in the wintertime!
  11. I usually only like cookies if they're chocolate chips and homemade...

Here are the eleven questions from Vicki....

1. What is your favorite kind of fruit or fruit juice?

I like strawberries and apple juice.

2. Did you have a dream when you were a child of what you wanted to be when you grew up, and have you achieved or are you achieving that dream?

 :) I'm still a child and still having dreams! :)

3. What is your favorite article of clothing?
My robe! It's super comfy, and I often use it as a blanket! :D

4. A random stranger walks up to you and hands you three plane tickets to your dream destination - where is that destination, and whom do you take with you?
My dream destination is probably France. I guess I would take my mom and my dog! :P (because I have 7 siblings and I couldn't pick just one!)

5. If you are in college, what is your major? If you are not in college, what is one subject that you are passionate about?

I'm not in college so I would have to say art... I teach it to myself, but it's my absolute favorite! :)

6. What is your favorite kind of weather?
I like chilly and breezy days!

7. If you could attend any one concert of your choosing, whom would you go see?

This is kind of a hard question for me because all of my favorite singers either are retired or no longer living!...Although she's old, I know Debbie Reynolds still does concerts and I think it would be cool to see one.

8. What country/countries do your ancestors come from?

Mainly France and Germany....

9. Is there any one theological question about the Bible or something in it that has always puzzled you, and if it's not too private, could you share it?

Well I know there's plenty I've had but when I sit hear to write one down nothing comes to my head.
One I know of (and I'm sure it has a simple answer) is why, in the book of Judges when Samson tells the people a riddle, does he kill people when they cheatingly find out the answer...why does he make such a big deal over a riddle?

10. How long is your hair?

About an inch past the middle of my back.

11. What was the last book that made you cry?

I've never actually cried while reading a book....

Here are my eleven random questions...

  1. Do you like to watch movies?If so, which is your favorite?
  2. If you could see any famous landmark, which one would you choose?
  3. Is your favorite singer still living today?
  4. When you give people birthday and/or Christmas cards, do you make them yourself or buy them?
  5. Mountains, Ocean, Woods, Lake or Hills?
  6. Your dream home would be painted what color on the outside?
  7. A mansion or a Cottage?
  8. When it comes to reading books, fiction or non-fiction?
  9. What is your favorite era for clothes?
  10. Do you normally wear you hair up or down?
  11. Do you ever shop online? If so, whcich site is your favorite?

Now I award these people...
Holly at
Susannah at
Laura at
Jennifer at
Moriah at
Mary at
 I can't think of anyone else to award.......


  1. Thanks for doing the tag, Alex - that was a lot of fun to read! I totally agree with you about liking the beach in the winter - my family went to a lake in the winter one time, and it was so cold and windy and smelled so different than the springtime. I'd love to see the ocean in the winter someday! :-)

    I hope you had fun with the tag! Merry Christmas!! :-D


  2. Thanks Alex! I can't wait to post it!
    I was wondering what I was going to post on that blog =)

  3. Thanks for awarding me, Alexandra! But I don't actually do awards over at my blog, sorry! But again, thanks any way! :)


Thank you for visiting, and commenting on my blog!
I hope you have a wonderful day...

God Bless!