Friday, May 20, 2011

Umbrella, umbrella . . . . .

It's been so cloudy lately and I am hoping it will rain soon!

I really love rain!!!! :)

How is the weather been around where you live?

What's your favorite thing about rain ; do you like walking in the rain, watching it from your window or something else?

I love walking in the rain... the only thing that could make it better is if I had an umbrella! :)

I love umbrellas, but I don't like just boring old black ones... I like pink, blue or striped ones! :)

I know this is a short, rather random post and I haven't posted in a while but this the end of the post! :/

Bye! :)



  1. I love rain too!
    We had a really bad lighting and thunder storm here last night!
    I like it when it rains when I am traveling!!

  2. Oh, Well I love a rainy night!
    I love the way the air smells after rain!
    I love to sing and dance in it too!
    Rain would have to be one of my favorite things!

  3. Oh, I LOVE! rain!
    It's SO pretty...<3
    I love to do everything possibal with it!
    I *love* Walking in the rain!
    Sue! =D

  4. I love walking in the rain. Also, I love when you can smell the rain in the air. I've always wanted a bright red umbrella :)


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