Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A TAG! :):):)

I was tagged by May Amelia at the blog http://thebeautyofordinarydays.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much!

What made you want to get one? My cousins and sisters were getting blogs, so I decided to try it out! Glad I did!
How old were you when you got it? 12
Are your ears pierced? Yes, but they're growing in.. woops..

How old were you when you got them done? 10
If you could move anywere in the world, were would you go? England! 
Do you like Jane Austens novels? Yes, allot! 
Do you like the movies that were made of them? YES! some of my favorite movies... well.. 

1. If you could paint your room a different color, what would you choose? My walls are wooden, and you can't paint them.. =(
2. What's your nickname? (if it's embarrassing, you don't have to share (: ) Alex (Is one of them)  
3. Has your mom/dad ever called you an embarrassing nickname in public? hmmm, I don't think so
4. What was your response? I'll let you know if they ever do
5. How many tags do you think you've ever done? This is my first time to actually be tagged! 
6. How often do you think you check your e-mail? Atleast once a day! :):):)
7. What is one thing you want badly for Christmas? A musical to add to my collection! I'm at 16 right now!
8. How many Bibles do you own? Only 1

That was allot of fun!

I tag---

Susannah at http://www.susannahicecream.blogspot.com/
Sarah at http://www.snballet.blogspot.com/
Angelica at http://www.my-life-on-the-web95.blogspot.com/
Holly at http://rosesandbluebells98.blogspot.com/
Laura Isabelle at http://justanoldfashioned-girl.blogspot.com/
Lydia at http://livinglife4jesuschrist.blogspot.com/
Anna at http://anna-sendmeasong.blogspot.com/

WOW!  That's allot!


  1. Cool...that's a great way to get to know bloggers hey! Love musicals! xxx

  2. Thank you for tagging me!!
    Sarah, if you like Musicals you should go check out me and Alexandra's blog at


  3. Hey Alex...thank you for sneaking back over to my space! Love your header...very gorgeous! xxx


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