Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hay Riding!

 Saturday we went on a hayride with our cousins! It was so much fun! Here are a few  allot of pictures....

Look AT our faces, awful aren't they? :P

halfway through Susannah and Haley got tired of the bumps, and decided to ride in the back of the truck! 

Heres Payton...what's he looking at?

Angelica, so pretty!

 Me! i cheated as you can see, by Saturday I had caught the cold that was going around (still have it) so I used a picture of me we took two days before!

Jordan, best picture I could find.....
he's our cousin!

Jeremy, laughing Jordan I think....

Jessica, I don't know what she's laughing at....

Nolan, just smiling!

Chris, just wouldn't smile :P
He's another cousin


Pretty Sarah,
Another cousin!

Another cousin

Susannah smiling,
Another cousin!
Last, but not least Juliana!


  1. Those photos are really nice! Looks like you had a fun time :)

  2. It was really fun. Thanks alex!
    I love the picture of Jordan and Susannah.

  3. Oh yes, that picture of me is just great, thanks a lot Alex!:P
    Yes, that a lot of was fun!

  4. Opps, I meant to say Yes that was a lot of fun!

  5. Yeah, Sorry Jordan,,, I had to post it! :P

  6. Thanks Alex!!
    That was fun!! :-D
    I couldn't answer your poll, I don't think your blog needs any of those!

  7. Very delightful pictures Alex! xxx


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I hope you have a wonderful day...

God Bless!