Thursday, November 22, 2012

It's Thanksgiving Time!


What are you doing today? We're watching the Thanksgiving parade right now! :) We're actually right in New York watching!!!!!.....I wish...... =P

I hope you have a very blessed Thanksgiving everyone! :)


  1. Hey Alex! I haven't been by your blog in ages - it's so pretty!!

    My family and I spent the morning cleaning and cooking, then we had our dinner in the early afternoon; most of us rested/took a nap, and now we're getting ready for a small supper and some football and/or a movie. Are you going Black Friday shopping tomorrow? :-)

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend!


  2. Ahhh!!
    I looked and looked and looked this morning and I couldn't find a live steam any were, except Earthcam.
    So I didn't get to watch it. ;-(
    Did y'all watch it on tv?
    Any way Happy Thanksgiving!!
    We went to my grandmother's house.

  3. I wish we could've watched it!
    Happy Thanksgiving Alex! I like the picture!


Thank you for visiting, and commenting on my blog!
I hope you have a wonderful day...

God Bless!