Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Movie Quote Answer's!!!

Hi Everybody! I just wanted to let you know that the answer to the quote is on top of the quote not benath it, just so you don't get confused.

The Odd Couple

guessed by nobody

Character 1: I think I'm crazy.
Character 2: If it makes you feel any better, I think so too.

Royal Wedding

guessed by susannah

Character 1: You should have seen your face when you saw me.
Character 2: How did I look?
Character 1: As if I were a dentist.

Each Dawn I Die

guessed by nobody

Character: Wait a minute! What do I gotta do, fight my way back in?

12 Angry Men

guessed by Jordan

Character 1: Bright? He's a common ignorant slob. He don't even speak good English.
Character 2: *Doesn't* even speak good English.

Jane Eyre

guessed by Vicki

Charater 1: I should never mistake informality for insolence. One, I rather like; the other, no free- born person would submit to, even for a salary.

Character 2: Humbug! Most free-born people would submit to anything for a salary.

Gone With The Wind

guessed by nobody

Character: Dreams, dreams always dreams with you, never common sense.

The Caine Mutiny

guessed by nobody
Character: This is the engine room; to operate, all you need is any group of well-trained monkeys. 99 percent of everything we do is strict routine. Only one percent requires creative intelligence.


guessed by Susannah

Character: You want to know something, "name?" If I live to be ninety, I will never figure you out.

The Heiress

gussed by nobody

Character 1: Can you be so cruel?
Character 2: Yes, I can be very cruel. I have been taught by masters.


guessed by nobody

Character: Are you coming in, "name", or is my cottage insufficiently grand for you?

The Great Mouse Detective

guessed by Vicki

Character: There's always a chance, Doctor, as long as one can think.


guessed by Sarah and Susannah

Character: Well, I don't see what he sees in her. She's old. She must be twenty-five at least.

Good News

guessed by nobody

Character 1: Babe! Go away!
Character 2: Is that all you have to say to me?
Charatcer 1: No! Leave me alone!

Funny Face

guessed by nobody

Character: She put herself in your place - all you have to do is put yourself in her place, and you're *bound* to bump into each other in somebody's place.

On The Waterfront

guessed by nobody

Character 1: Shouldn't everybody care about everybody else?
Character 2: Boy, what a fruitcake you are!

The Third Man

guessed by nobody

Character: We should have dug deeper than a grave.


How To Steal A Million

guessed by nobody

Character 1: I can't drive a stolen car!
Character 2: Same principle, four gears forward, one reverse.

Pete's Dragon

guessed by Sarah and Jordan

Character 1: Why do I hear a bell ringing?
Character 2: School must be out.
Character 1: It's too early, stupid.

Only Angels Have Wings

gusssed by Jordan 

Character 1: The boat doesn't stop at Santa Maria this trip.
Character 2: Why not?
Character 1: They have no bananas.
Character 2: They have no bananas?
Character 1: Yes, they have no bananas.

The Thin Man

gussed by nobody

Character 1: How'd you like Grant's tomb?

Character 2: It's lovely. I'm having a copy made for you.

hope you had fun!

By the way, my sister Juliana is having a blog giveaway at her blog, life-is-worth-the-living.blogspot.com, but can't start it till she has ten followers, so check it out! :)


  1. Thanks so much, Alex! Wow, I should have known some of these ... I'll have to go back and watch the movies again!!

    Have a wonderful evening!


  2. I really should've known some of these too!

  3. I can't believe that I didn't get #18!

  4. I love all of those movies! Well, all of the ones that i've seen!
    Pretty fun stuff. I got #2 didn't I?
    I should have got Each Dawn I Die! I just watched it!


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