Tuesday, March 6, 2012

10 things!

It has been a whole month since my last blog post on here. I guess I just haven't been in a blogging mood; but since my sister Angelica from http://www.my-life-on-the-web95.blogspot.com/ tagged me I decieded to do the tag. The rules are I have t post ten things I plan on doing this year and 10 things I have already done.

1. Sew my first skirt

   2. Plant a beautiful flower garden

3. Learn to be a better skater

4. Put pretty curtains on my bedroom window

5. Spend more time outside

6. Learn to quilt
                                                                           7. Become more consistent in writing back to letters

8. Buy myself another coat


9. Improve my dress sketches

10. Find something new and pretty to do with my hair


10 Things I have already done

1. I have learned how to knit    
2. I have planted some flowers in a pot that look something like this....
                               3. Started Taking Sewing Lessons

                   4.I have filled up  a 82 page sketch book

5. I bought two musicals

  6. Bought a new pair of shoes...they don't look exactly like this but it's close

 Well I can only think of 6 things.....

I tag Vicki at nomoreafraid.blogspot.com


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pretty shoes!
    Can't wait to see your garden =D
    What are the two movies called? What are they about? Are they musicals? And are they good?

  3. cute desing, alex! that's some good things that you want to achieve! i hope you are able to do them all : )

  4. Thanks so much for the tag, Alex! I'll do that this weekend!! :-D

    Your list looks good so far, and there are actually a couple of things on your list that will be on mine, too - and congratulations on learning to knit! That's a wonderful skill that you'll be able to use in all sorts of different ways! :-)

    Also, not to be redundant, but did you ever decide whether you wanted your quiz tag to say "winner" on it or anything? I have it almost ready except for that. :-)

    Thanks again for the tag!!


  5. Great post....your flowers are so pretty; you really have a green thumb! And I love the fabric you picked out. Can't wait to see your skirt :)


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God Bless!